The three of us had such a wonderful weekend! We went up to the cabin early Friday afternoon and I don't think we stopped smiling until bedtime Sunday night. This was the first time Dane has been able to enjoy the cabin. And boy did he ever...

Dane has been pretty much obsessed with tractors lately and Great Grandpa Greenwald has 3 of them. Dane went from one to the next to the next saying "Dane Drive."

The boat was another really fun thing for all of us. Dane loved to drive this too. I loved to see my little boy have so much fun.

Dane was able to see Daddy catch lots of fish and do some fishing of his own.

(This is one of my most favorite pictures ever-aren't they just so amazing...)
Another tractor ride, but this time Dane sat by himself. He wouldn't even let my arm touch him. He is getting so independent. Some of that is nice, but I'm starting to miss my little guy.

A tubby in the sink has never been so much fun. Here we are getting ready to be clean.

Fun, fun, fun. Dane actually asked for the tubby.

Sunday we got back from the cabin early enough to visit the carnival and our dad's. Here is Dane getting dressed by himself. Good job big boy!

This was so sweet. We were down watching the boat races. These two...two peas in a pod.

Dane wanted to ride to train, so Mom went too. So much fun.
What a way to end what I would call, the perfect weekend. We had such a great time altogether and watching our child experience so many things for the first time. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by-Dane's almost two! Ross and I just love each day and are so looking forward to all of the new things our family will enjoy together. Dane makes us realize what true happiness is!

And finally, a shout out to our best Daddy! Happy Father's Day! Ross is the ideal dad. Hands on, loving, giving, and protective. He sets an amazing example of the type of man I hope our boys will become. Thanks Ross, for all of the hard work and love you give to our family. We are so lucky to have you!