We headed out for our first family vacation last Wednesday. My mom, Dane and myself drove 22 hours down to Gulf Shores Alabama where my family of 26 would all be gathering. We are celebrating my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary with a week of sun and family fun. (Ross flew down Saturday and met us)
The drive was not fun for me. Well, my company was fun and enjoyable, my body did not cooperate. With 3 weeks left of my pregnancy, the little guy inside was not too happy to be spending that many hours sitting. He made some problems for my back, but what's new.

We left Wednesday evening and made it to Grenada Mississippi by noon on Thursday. Only 6 hours left to our final destination. We enjoyed a great stay in Grenada where my brother, s-i-l, and their brood of 3 met us. We played in the pool and ate lots of pizza.

After we arrived at the gulf, we went straight to the beach. Dane loved the sand but not the sound of the waves. He kept saying it was loud.

The crew of fishermen-My Grandpa, Jeff (my step-dad), b-i-l Ben, brother Eric and super cute hubby Ross.

Our large group gathered for dinner at the Original Oyster House. Outside there were a few fun
things for the kids. Here are Dane and Hunter. Such a cute alligator and lobster.

This was also the day of my grandma's 73rd birthday. Happy Birthday Grams!
(With all of the kids running amok, it was too hard to get a group picture)

Here are my grandparents and all of their grandchildren and spouses, along with the 5 great grandchildren.

And here are the grandparents with their children and spouses.
Dane's two year molars decided to make an appearance as we entered the first few days of vacation. Of course, they like to pop in and out. Needless to say, it's been an up and down few days. Poor buddy.

After dinner, the whole gang went to the "Track." The place is pretty cool. Go karts, bumper boats, kiddie rides, and more.

This is Dane on the train ride. It was pretty lame and I think he realized that about halfway around. Can't you see the excitement on his face??

It's really hard to tell, but this is Dane and Daddy getting ready to take off in the go kart.
Dane kept asking for more...

One last ride before heading back to the resort. I thought he was too small for these swings, but he proved me wrong yet again.

The happy family on a ferry to Dauphin Island. This was our first time doing something like this and it was pretty great. Too bad Dane's teeth chose to pop in that day.

Enjoying a sucker with cousin Hannah.
Well, that's all for now. I will update again when we get back. It's hard to believe we leave on Saturday and head back to reality. Boo.
Well, that's all for now. I will update again when we get back. It's hard to believe we leave on Saturday and head back to reality. Boo.