The boys have had colds for just over a week now. Between their colds and the unbelievable, extreme cold temperatures Minnesota has been experiencing, it was a long week.
We managed to escape for a few hours this week--I needed out! But mostly, we just hung around the house. Wiping boogers and drinking juice. It was a long week.
One night for dinner, we made homemade pizza. Dane thought it was pretty fun. He thought the pepperoni was pretty good, too.
Cash has been experiencing a few new things. He's been trying hard to crawl and can roll and scoot all over the place. Also, we brought him in and he has been diagnosed with acid reflux. Poor boy. He's started medication and I hope will feel better soon.
And...Cash is now 5 months old and growing fast.
Dane decided he wanted to wear his underwears (his word, not mine) one day. He dressed himself in this pair, put on his Mike Wozawski socks and matched a pair of crocs to the undies. Wonder where he got his matching skills from. Anyways...super cute and funny, but not so much so when he was standing on his toy box and shouted "I go pee-pee Mommy." Yeah, then peed all over. At least the toy box was shut-thank goodness! But that was the end of the 'underwears' for that day.