

So...I headed out of town for the weekend to Fort Walton Beach, Florida. With the girls. Without the kids. It was my first time being away from Cash and it has been over a year since I have spent the night away from Dane. I was due, but still...it was hard to leave.

It was the best trip. We had great weather, good food, the beach and great conversation. This may sound bad, but I didn't even really miss my guys. Ross is so wonderful with the daddy stuff, that I knew they were having fun. It really was the best trip.

Me, Becky, LeAnne and Megan.

LeAnne and Me!

This day on the beach was very nice. Relaxing, playing in the ocean, reading...
the next day was the same--except something was missing.

(This was funny to me. Not sure why, but I had to add it in.)

View from the balcony.

Becky, LeAnne and Me.

Ok...now can you tell what was missing from this day at the beach? Yep. Sunblock. Do I think I am immune to burn? No clue. Maybe we were all lacking the smarts because the humdinger and budlights were so good.
Either way, My back received the worst of it. I now look like a molting snake. Really cute.

One last hurrah before we shipped back out. It really was a great trip.


Things that make you go hmmm...

We haven't been doing too much these past couple of weeks. Just enjoying each others company and the spring/summer weather!!

Nothing major to report except that Dane is completely potty trained. It's been 2 weeks, accident free and a week and 1/2 of pooping on the pot on his own. It's so awesome and we are very proud of him (he loves to say that every time he goes!) It's super nice to be down to one kid in diapers.

We've been expecting that Cash would walk quite early, as he was crawling 3 months ago. But, he is still so little and wobbly on his feet. He just started to use this walker toy and he cruises everywhere in my parents walker, so...he's building up those mus-cles!

Our big boy is obsessed with his bike. He's had it for a few months, but still refers to it as his "new bike." Whatever, he's a terrific bike rider and loves to show off his skills. Here he was testing out his new "door bell" that he got for his bike.

I forgot that everything goes into the mouth. My goodness that was and is, such an annoying phase. I'm ready for it to be over!

All smiles!

These two crack each other up all of the time! It's super fun to watch and beyond beautiful to my ears to hear! I'm all warm inside just talking about it.

Lastly, Dane loves his bed and all of his "friends/pets." These are only a few of the ones he insists on sleeping with. Before taking his nap, he was down in his room talking to his friends. I came down to find this. It was so cute, I had to take a picture.

Happy Memorial Weekend to all! Take time to think of those amazing people who help make our lives the way they are!!

Off to Florida...


Long Overdue

Well, time is just flying by, as usual. We've been keeping pretty busy. Being that the weather has been nicer, we're trying to get outside as much as possible. Nothing really new to report. Dane has been doing awesome with potty training. He's wearing pull-ups away from the house and at night, but during the day this past week, we had no accidents and even accomplished pooping on the potty (which he did a few times, but still had an accident in his unders).

Cash is growing like a weed. It's odd how fast they grow when they are so little. He really wants nothing to do with baby food anymore, so he's eating pretty much everything we all eat. He's obsessed with his big brother and smiles all day long! We have all been having a lot of fun together and can't wait for what is to come...

Dane and Cash!

Cashie's first swing ride! I think he liked it.

Daner doing what he does best.

He's eating everything, but he sure is messy.

Dane, Cash and I went to the park one day with our friends Anne and Logan. Dane and Logan talk about each other all the time! It's pretty cute!

Dane and Logan on the tire swing.

After a picnic in the park, we walked down to throw bread to the ducks. Dane thought this was so much fun-we didn't see any ducks, however. So, maybe we fed some fish??

Friday was my 30th birthday and it truly was my idea of "the perfect day!"
We started the day at como. All my guys, animals, nice weather and a picnic lunch. What more could I ask for?
The zoo was a bit disappointing though, as there are still no polar bears (they are still working on their new home), the giraffes and zebra's are still inside (confused by that because the weather has been plenty warm)-and their inside home is the stinkiest place in the world. Also, the flamingos were all missing. Hmmm...

When we saw this tiger, Dane said "there is a mommy tiger and a daddy tiger. This is the Dane tiger."
It was so funny and cute. Of course that must be the Dane tiger!

Me and my two boys.

We talked about "Santa's" reindeer for quite some time.

Daddy and Dane!

One of the seals.

Friday evening brought more fun! Ross had a limo pick us up at home (complete surprise to me) and drove us to a lovely dinner. After dinner, we went to see my favorite cover band The Johnny Holm Band!

Me and Becky.

Meghan, Kelli, Hollie and Alanna!

My brother Eric, s-i-l Jessie, Ross and Jenny!

We had a great night and I felt special all day! Thanks to everyone for making it such an awesome night. And thanks to Rossco for making it the best birthday yet! Love you...