(Please excuse the pictures if they look blurry. Right now, as I type, they look really blurry. But I'm still going to post.)
Same old stuff going on with us. I can't believe how fast Summer has gone by. If you can even call it Summer. It's been so cool. I've enjoyed the weather greatly, but it's not been Summer weather.
Cash turns one in a few weeks, with Dane 3 days behind him turning 3. They are both so funny and adorable. Cash is babbling up a storm. He clearly says "mama, dadda and day (for dane)." But this week he has begun to speak a bit of Russian (or what sounds like Russian--if I knew what Russian sounded like). He's funny like his brother and they laugh the same! Cash follows Dane everywhere and wants to do everything that Dane is doing. Bugs Dane, but I find it sweet.

Mama's boy!

Celebrating Great-Grandpa Marvin's 80th birthday! Dane enjoyed a few rides around on the golf cart.
I got Dane some new jammies. He wanted to wear this pair out to the birthday party, but that didn't happen. He did put them on right when we got home. Here he is practicing his super power skills. So funny!

They are the cutest jammers. And how does he know how to pose just right??

First time trying spaghetti and loving every bite! I know I loved the clean-up. I was finding it in lots of different places. Yay for me!

Dane being goofy during our game of go-fish. Cards in his piggies. That's what he said.
"Look Mom...cards in my piggies." He thinks he is funnier than we do!

Playing on the rings at the park.
We've been going to different parks a lot this summer. The boys love it!

Running the bases at the field. After this, Dane said,
"Mom...when I turn 3 on September one, I'm going to play t-ball and you and my Daddy and my Cashie are going to sit on the bench and watch me play." The stuff they come up with. It was such a great statement!


Building a sand castle with Grandma Tammy.