I thought maybe I would get the hang of this new template, but alas, I'm still having trouble...We've been pretty busy this Summer. We took a big trip-post with pictures to follow. Hanging with friends, old and new. Story time at the library. Free movies. Playing at the park. Bike riding. Sleeping late. It's been awesome! The kids are at such a great age. I'm only bummed that we haven't done more. But, we still have a few weeks to cram stuff in!
*Starting at the top with the pictures--a friend of mine made a really cute mud pie station for her girls-so cute! I thought the boys would dig it too. So I made up some mud and had them cook for me. Dane thought it was lame, but not Cash. He baked me up some goodies!
Cash learned how to ride his bike sans training wheels. He had been asking for months, but Ross had surgery on his knee and was worried he would have to run with him to get him started. Little did he know, when the training wheels were off, so was Cash. He just took off. And like Dane, was doing tricks 1/2 an hour later. Ca-razy!
We've had one weekend up at the cabin this year. Pretty sad. But I've been so busy with work this Summer there hasn't been much free time. As usual, we had so much fun! It was Rocko's first time up there and he enjoyed every second. We're hoping for a fall trip or at least an overnight one soon. We just love it up there. A trip to the cabin would not be complete without s'mores and the annual bath in the sink.