I had to post this picture because Dane looks like such a big boy to me. I can't believe how he has grown.

Dane has graduated to a booster seat. We decided to try something new to see if he would actually eat more. And, it seems to be working. He loves his new seat.
Getting ready to see Santa!

We went to Santa Day at the Otsego City Hall. When it was Dane's turn, he was a bit nervous. Of course, as his turn was over, he really liked it on Santa's lap. A little "Elf" asked Dane if he has been a good boy this year. Then the elf said to me, that he wasn't really and elf-he was just helping out that day because Santa was only one person and couldn't do it all himself. It was pretty funny!

Just being cute!

Walking with Mom to get the mail!

Here is Dane trying to help shovel. He is always so helpful.


I was doing some laundry and the next thing I knew, Dane had taken every bottle out of the box. It was hilarious!!!
Enjoy your precious days at home with Dane...they go by SO FAST! Before you know it he'll be a first grader who won't let you kiss him in front of his friends. Sniff. By the way, LOVE the tree on the table - funny, but practical. Merry Christmas!
Erin's sister, Jo
Good thing Dane didn't know where the bottle opener was !!! Merry Christmas to all....and a special hug for sweet little Dane...he's a dolly!! Celia's gramma Sally
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