My most favorite body part of Dane's are his super cute, chubby piggies! I can't get enough of them...
Dane turned 1 1/2 on Saturday. It's so hard to believe that he has gotten so big, in what seems like such a short time. He's so big in fact, that we took down the gate. I have to say, he is doing pretty well.
Here are Dane's statistics...(he has his 18 month check-up Thursday, so this is a rough idea)
Dane weighs 20.5 pounds and is about 33 inches long
He is such an active little "BOY" and I mean BOY. He runs everywhere, climbs anything he can, throws everything and takes things apart (but also puts them back together). He does all these boy things, but he is still so loving and kind. He loves the baby in mom's belly. He gives it kisses, hugs, and tries to have is suck on his pacifier. It's truly the sweetest thing ever. Hopefully that continues when the baby actually gets here.
Dane is saying so many more words as each week goes by. His current faves are hello, hi, dad, mom, grampa, more, go and car. He does all of this jibberish too, which is pretty funny.
He loves reading books, playing with toys, laughing, dancing and doing puzzles. Amongst those things, he loves getting into everything and helping mom and dad with anything he can.
Dane is still attending ECFE class which he has been doing since about 8 months old. He enjoys playing with other kids, singing songs, and having snack. We regularly get together and play with a friend that we've met there-Celia Jo Skubic and her mom Erin. We've become close friends!
I think I've hit everything. Dane is an amazing little boy and we are so incredibly lucky to have him in our lives. He brings us such joy and happiness and I can't believe he's only 1 1/2. We have so much more to look forward to with our little DaneBug.
Here are Dane's statistics...(he has his 18 month check-up Thursday, so this is a rough idea)
Dane weighs 20.5 pounds and is about 33 inches long
He is such an active little "BOY" and I mean BOY. He runs everywhere, climbs anything he can, throws everything and takes things apart (but also puts them back together). He does all these boy things, but he is still so loving and kind. He loves the baby in mom's belly. He gives it kisses, hugs, and tries to have is suck on his pacifier. It's truly the sweetest thing ever. Hopefully that continues when the baby actually gets here.
Dane is saying so many more words as each week goes by. His current faves are hello, hi, dad, mom, grampa, more, go and car. He does all of this jibberish too, which is pretty funny.
He loves reading books, playing with toys, laughing, dancing and doing puzzles. Amongst those things, he loves getting into everything and helping mom and dad with anything he can.
Dane is still attending ECFE class which he has been doing since about 8 months old. He enjoys playing with other kids, singing songs, and having snack. We regularly get together and play with a friend that we've met there-Celia Jo Skubic and her mom Erin. We've become close friends!
I think I've hit everything. Dane is an amazing little boy and we are so incredibly lucky to have him in our lives. He brings us such joy and happiness and I can't believe he's only 1 1/2. We have so much more to look forward to with our little DaneBug.
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