Today I'm feeling overwhelmingly happy! My family is healthy, safe, well fed, happy, warm and loved. We are all so lucky! As Thanksgiving approaches, my heart is so full. I am so thankful--beyond thankful for the gifts in my life.

My Mom and I took the boys downtown to Macy's 8th floor. "A Day in the Life of Santa's Elves." (Or at least I think that's what it was called-my brochure is in the car :o)
It was amazing. Dane seemed unsure about it, but had a fun time with the lights!

Part of the candy shop and toy land.
Next was a visit to Santa. Dane is currently obsessed with Santa. We wrote a letter to him last night, telling Santa that he was a good boy and what he would like for Christmas. He told Santa that he wanted train tracks for Thomas, James and Percy (the trains he has). He then said, thank you. Trick-or-treat. It was hilarious. Earlier in the day I heard him talking to "someone" saying, 'please santa-train tracks for Christmas.' Little does he know, train tracks WILL be under the tree!!! we went to see Santa. Dane handed him the letter and bolted. He wanted nothing to do with him. He wouldn't sit on his lap or even stand near him. It was interesting.

While Dane and Grandma Tammy went back for a second time, I had a nice visit with the Cash-man. Here is Dane joining us for some juice!