
Pure Bliss!

Today I'm feeling overwhelmingly happy! My family is healthy, safe, well fed, happy, warm and loved. We are all so lucky! As Thanksgiving approaches, my heart is so full. I am so thankful--beyond thankful for the gifts in my life.

Cash is a smile machine!

Ode to tubby by Dane Gregory Greenwald.

My Mom and I took the boys downtown to Macy's 8th floor. "A Day in the Life of Santa's Elves." (Or at least I think that's what it was called-my brochure is in the car :o)
It was amazing. Dane seemed unsure about it, but had a fun time with the lights!

These were singing trees!

The dessert kitchen! It smelled of real gingerbread. Yum.

Part of the candy shop and toy land.

Next was a visit to Santa. Dane is currently obsessed with Santa. We wrote a letter to him last night, telling Santa that he was a good boy and what he would like for Christmas. He told Santa that he wanted train tracks for Thomas, James and Percy (the trains he has). He then said, thank you. Trick-or-treat. It was hilarious. Earlier in the day I heard him talking to "someone" saying, 'please santa-train tracks for Christmas.' Little does he know, train tracks WILL be under the tree!!!
Anyways...so we went to see Santa. Dane handed him the letter and bolted. He wanted nothing to do with him. He wouldn't sit on his lap or even stand near him. It was interesting.

While Dane and Grandma Tammy went back for a second time, I had a nice visit with the Cash-man. Here is Dane joining us for some juice!

We ended our morning with McDonald's and a stop back at Grandma and Grandpa's. My step-dad loves hanging with his grandchildren. They love hanging with him. Cash thinks he's funny. He did some giggles for his Grandpa.



We had a nice weekend hangin' at home. Dane keeps us very entertained.

Sometime recently, Dane picked up this new face. Well, it's kind of an old face. I remember when he did this as a baby. Now he's big and it's still super funny!

Ross took these two pictures of our boys. Whenever we change Cash, Dane insists on being nakey, too. He screams "Dane nakey," over and over until we let him become nakey. Well, diaper and socks. It's too cold for all-the-way.
They look so adorable.

Handy Dane! He loves to wear his tool belt "just like Handy Manny." If Ross or I are using any tools, he has to quick run to get that same tool from his box to help. Funny thing though...the other day I was using a hammer and he said to me "no Mommy. Only guys do it." Where did he learn that??



This weekend, it officially became cold. Too cold. The weather is just so drastic. 60's and 70's a week ago and a current temp of 21. I love snow, but hate the cold. Maybe if we could ease into it. Drastic.

Despite the cold outside, we were warm and happy inside. We had a nice weekend hanging at home.

Dane is getting so big so fast and his vocabulary has become huge! Cash and Dane were on the floor doing tummy time-Dane has to do what Cash does-Dane says "two brothers on the floor doing tummy time." What?!

Lucky relaxing. (I've given Cash a little nickname).
More nicknames we use are: the Cash-man, Mundo, Cashie, Money.

Dane bundled up and braved the cold to play outside with Daddy. Anything to play with Daddy.


We pulled out the bumbo for our little friend Isabelle to use. We decided to see how Cash liked it. He's gotten really good at holding his head up. He seemed to enjoy the chair for a bit.

Cash and Dad.

I just love this picure.
Daddy and his boys watching the Vikings game. I couldn't get Dane to peel his eyes away for even a second to take a picture. He truly is his Daddy's son.


2 Months Old!

Cash is just over 2 months old. It's amazing how fast time flies. I feel like it was just yesterday when I was pregnant hoping he would just get out! Life has changed quite drastically, but only for the better.

Cash weighed in at 8 lbs. 11 oz. and measured 22 1/4 inches. He has grown so much!
He is talking a lot-his happiest time of the day is right away in the morning. Cash loves being diaper free, having tubbies, eating, tummy time, looking at lights, looking at mommy and smiling! He seems really strong already, putting weight on his legs when held in a standing position.

I took these pictures this morning. Of course, the smile fades and a serious look appears as the flash goes off. Bummer.
Still not sure yet who he looks like. I think he resembles Dane when Dane was this age. My mom says Cash looks just like I did. Who knows. He looks like Cash.


The Rest of the Glorious Weekend!

Dane is a really good big brother. He gives Cash kisses and wants to hold him all of the time.

Dane is so proud.

It was such a beautiful weekend. Sunday, Dane and I decided to have a little picnic outside.

This was the first time Cash really got to enjoy outside.

Dane loves to play with Daddy. Football, basketball, baseball-anything with the word ball.

Such a boy.

Hey You..Boo! Halloween Part Two!

After a much needed nap, we piled into the car and headed to my parents for a night of fun. Halloween is also my Mom's birthday. This year, being that it fell on a Friday and we now all have kids who can trick or treat, the whole family got together to celebrate.

Cashie (Dane's nickname for his little brother)

Cash wasn't too thrilled when I got him dressed. One picture is all I will post, as they all look like this. Cock-a-doodle-doo my little rooster.

Three of the four Greenwald's (Cash slept through all of the festivities)

Dane was tired before we even hit the first house.

This is the only picture I could get of these three. Hunter was Captain Jack Sparrow, Dane was Captain Hook (he was supposed to be a scarecrow-we all were, but Hunter was a pirate too. And Hunter is cool, so Dane needed to be a pirate like him). And sweet Ava was a beautiful butterfly.

This is the first house we hit and they looked a bit nervous. I'm not sure if they truly understood what was going on.

Dane started to get tired of trick or treating halfway down the block. We encountered a loud, scary dog at one house and he just wasn't the same after that. He kept saying "all done. no more candy. let's go back to grandma's." I felt bad for the little guy.

Daddy and Dane

Mommy and Dane.

Back at the party. The kids had a great time playing together.

This is me with Cash, my s-i-l Jessie with Cooper, Ava and Hunter. Dane and Ava are two months apart as are Cash and Cooper. Pretty cool.

These crazy kids were like the three amigos all night.

Ross and I had such a wonderful time experiencing the fun of Halloween with Dane. Next year will be even better with the two boys. Everything is getting even more fun-if you can believe that!!

We had a spooktacular evening. I didn't get any pictures of the birthday girl-Happy 29th Mom! You are so special to all of us. We love you very much!

Oh What Fun...Halloween Part One!

Happy Halloween Everyone! We spent the morning of Halloween trick or treating in downtown Elk River with my BFF Celia Skubic, her super cool parents Erin and Jeff and Mommy and Cash.
We had such a fun time. Here are a few pictures of us dressed up in our awesome costumes!

Aaarrggh! Do I make a great Captain Hook or what?
Do you like my hook hand?

Here's me and CC posing for some more pictures. Geesh it's hard work being so cute.

This is me walking through the bank getting my treats. We made out good (I've been dealing with a sugar hangover all weekend)

We ended our fun morning with some lunch at the Olde Main Eatery. Mommy and I had never been there before-it was good. Erin wanted a picture of all three of us. But she told mommy to make sure she wasn't in the picture. I wonder why? Erin's so pretty...

Well, it sure was fun to trick or treat my first time with CC. I can't wait to do it again. Can we go tomorrow? Oh and Jeff-thanks for watching Cash for Mommy so she could watch us get some treats. And for holding my hand. And for carrying me across the street. And for being so funny. And...yeah. Thanks! Mommy says what would we have done without you? I know I wouldn't have had as much fun. That's for sure.

Pajama Day?!?

Monday was a brisk, fall day. Dane decided we should skip story time at the library. So we officially declared the day "Pajama Day!" It was like his dream come true to stay in jammies all day. Especially when we went to Grandma and Grandpa Danielson's wearing our pj's.

After being there for a short time, Dane of course wanted to play outside. Mostly because he was wearing his pj's and he isn't ever allowed to do that. So, we pulled out some rakes and made a huge leaf pile.

Raking is pretty fun when the leaves aren't yours! And Dane makes everything fun!