
Hey You..Boo! Halloween Part Two!

After a much needed nap, we piled into the car and headed to my parents for a night of fun. Halloween is also my Mom's birthday. This year, being that it fell on a Friday and we now all have kids who can trick or treat, the whole family got together to celebrate.

Cashie (Dane's nickname for his little brother)

Cash wasn't too thrilled when I got him dressed. One picture is all I will post, as they all look like this. Cock-a-doodle-doo my little rooster.

Three of the four Greenwald's (Cash slept through all of the festivities)

Dane was tired before we even hit the first house.

This is the only picture I could get of these three. Hunter was Captain Jack Sparrow, Dane was Captain Hook (he was supposed to be a scarecrow-we all were, but Hunter was a pirate too. And Hunter is cool, so Dane needed to be a pirate like him). And sweet Ava was a beautiful butterfly.

This is the first house we hit and they looked a bit nervous. I'm not sure if they truly understood what was going on.

Dane started to get tired of trick or treating halfway down the block. We encountered a loud, scary dog at one house and he just wasn't the same after that. He kept saying "all done. no more candy. let's go back to grandma's." I felt bad for the little guy.

Daddy and Dane

Mommy and Dane.

Back at the party. The kids had a great time playing together.

This is me with Cash, my s-i-l Jessie with Cooper, Ava and Hunter. Dane and Ava are two months apart as are Cash and Cooper. Pretty cool.

These crazy kids were like the three amigos all night.

Ross and I had such a wonderful time experiencing the fun of Halloween with Dane. Next year will be even better with the two boys. Everything is getting even more fun-if you can believe that!!

We had a spooktacular evening. I didn't get any pictures of the birthday girl-Happy 29th Mom! You are so special to all of us. We love you very much!

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