We had a pretty quiet week around our house. The boys recovered from their colds. Dane has been getting his last two molars (baby teeth) in. Along with the teething came discomfort and a fever that lingered for 3 days. My poor boy. Back to back cruddy weeks. Once the motrin kicked in, you wouldn't even know that he didn't feel well. He became his crazy self for another 6 hours. Cash is growing like a weed. I have to say, it was a pretty nice week!

Dane needs to do whatever we are doing-I'm taking pictures, he needs to take pictures. Ross was using a screwdriver this weekend, Dane needed to use his screwdriver. It's super cute.

We got our first sled--Daddy and Dane enjoyed the snow and sled rides. Dane's smile was so big and stuck on his face the entire time outside.

Daddy taught Dane how to make and then throw a snowball. Ross had a great time with his big boy. It was so cute...he came in and said to me, "I just got to sled with my son for the first time. I just got to watch Dane throw his first snowball. That is so cool." Most of you have not seen my husband's sentimental side. It's adorable when it pokes out. Makes me fall in love with him all over again to see him with his children.
Saturday night we hit the Holidazzle Parade downtown. Dane kept saying, "we're going to Minneapolis." The weather was perfect and the parade was beautiful.

Dane's eyes were glued to the parade and the people. He is such a people person. Someday we may get a picture with everyone looking and smiling.

This picture was taken so everyone could see how big Cash is getting. I can't believe it. I've been wishing the time away to when he can be doing more and requiring less of me. I need to stop that. The time went-and continues to go-so fast, with Dane. Just thinking back, it seems like yesterday I was in giving birth to him. Cash is 3 1/2 months and before I know it, he will be Dane's age and I will be wondering why I didn't cherish my baby time when I had it.
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