
Man...It's been awhile.

Yeah. It's been awhile since I've blogged. We've had a lot going on and when I find myself with an ounce of free time, I don't first think to blog. Sorry. I usually try to find my bed and sleep. I'm tired all the time. Something's got to give soon...

A few weekends ago, when it was hot, humid, summer-like (and not the 38 degrees it is as I type this) we took a little family run through a beautiful wooded park. Dane ran for over a mile with us. The whole time. I don't know where he gets his energy!

Three of the four of us before we set out. After we looked like a sweaty, red faced, tired group!

A random shot of Dane as he cooled off in the pool on a hot day! Love those eye lashes!!

Another random--Cashie is always smiling. Except when he's whining. Which seems to be a lot most recently. Ugh.

Dane and monkey playdoh! Thanks to the Manthe's for this great gift! He loves it!

September 19th, Otsego had it's annual festival. I brought Dane for a few hours after nap. He was ready to go. There were about 5 or 6 huge blow-ups to bounce, slide or obsatcle through. They looked awesome!

Dane really did have fun on Dusty the pony...
It's just so hard for me to take good pictures. Maybe Erin can follow us everywhere we go and take pictures...sound fun?

See?! Super cool blow-ups!

Hi-ho Cherrio with Daddy! Another fun game from the Herman's!
The boys got so many cool gifts for their birthday's! We are so lucky to have such wonderful people in our lives!

Dane started his first year of preschool back at Handke this year. He was so excited to start and really seemed to love it! He told me that I had to leave. Before we got to the classroom. He said, "ok Mom. You can go now. See you after school." At least I have another little one to keep me occupied or I probably would have cried.

This is the only picture I took that didn't turn out extremely blurry. I was so bummed.

This past weekend, when it was super windy out, we ventured over to the 101 market. I absolutely love it there--all year round. But fall is so cool. They have so much to do--a corn maze, corn pit, potato slingers, animal train rides, duck races, and beautiful decorations! We didn't spend a lot of time there, due to a whiney Cash. But, we will go back soon...

Me and my boys...I think someone needs a haircut (it looks soooo cute when it's not blowing like that )

Poor Cash.

Slinging potatoes with Daddy!

Corn pit fun--there was corn in every pocket and his socks were nasty.

Jumping in Max the bouncing pumpkin!

Nice face! Probably trying to warm up as we froze outside.

Such a cute pose.

And lastly our clutzy, accident prone 13 month old, fell and sliced his eyebrow open. (if you look closely you can see the glue over his left eye) It was glued shut by urgent care. So fun.


One! Three!! Happy Anniversary!

Cash is ONE! I can't believe it--He's getting so big!! Every parent says it, but I remember the day he was born as if it were yesterday. He is such a loving, happy, crazy, clutzy, monkey boy. He is still completely in awe of his big brother, is starting to choose Daddy over me (what??), running everywhere and talking up a storm. I thought the second child was supposed to be less chatty~not this case here. Cash is a jabber walkie.

I had to post these pictures because he was so proud of himself getting all of the rings on the stick. My big, little guy...

Happy Birthday, love! I'm so excited for what all is to come!

We also have a THREE year old, now! And boys is he 3. Friends have been telling me that shortly before turning 3, their kids turned into Jekyll and Hyde. I was thinking, "there's no way...not my Dane. He won't go through that." Well, they were right. A few weeks before turning 3, there would be some hints that a new boy was in town. But now...whoa. He's still super loving, snuggly, kind, uses great manners and loves his brother. However, he can also be the complete opposite of those things. It's crazy how different he can act. I can remember the day that he was born, too. It's all so fresh in my mind. I remember what I wore to and from the hospital. What he wore...

Mister goofball.

Ross and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on September 4th. We had our wedding on a beautiful day. Everything about that day was magical! I'm so proud of us and all we've gone through together. Ross is my other half. The missing piece to my puzzle. The other pea in my pod. (OK...enough. You get the point)
Happy 5 years, Hubbs! Here's to many, many more...




Playing in the Rain

These aren't really in proper order--as this happened before we went to the cabin. I just had to post them because the boys look too cute and had such a fun time playing in the rain.