Cash is ONE! I can't believe it--He's getting so big!! Every parent says it, but I remember the day he was born as if it were yesterday. He is such a loving, happy, crazy, clutzy, monkey boy. He is still completely in awe of his big brother, is starting to choose Daddy over me (what??), running everywhere and talking up a storm. I thought the second child was supposed to be less chatty~not this case here. Cash is a jabber walkie.
Happy Birthday, love! I'm so excited for what all is to come!
We also have a THREE year old, now! And boys is he 3. Friends have been telling me that shortly before turning 3, their kids turned into Jekyll and Hyde. I was thinking, "there's no way...not my Dane. He won't go through that." Well, they were right. A few weeks before turning 3, there would be some hints that a new boy was in town. But now...whoa. He's still super loving, snuggly, kind, uses great manners and loves his brother. However, he can also be the complete opposite of those things. It's crazy how different he can act. I can remember the day that he was born, too. It's all so fresh in my mind. I remember what I wore to and from the hospital. What he wore...
Ross and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on September 4th. We had our wedding on a beautiful day. Everything about that day was magical! I'm so proud of us and all we've gone through together. Ross is my other half. The missing piece to my puzzle. The other pea in my pod. (OK...enough. You get the point)
Happy 5 years, Hubbs! Here's to many, many more...
Love it!
Ok... so I've been away from blogland for way too long and cannot believe how much Cash has grown! It happens so fast...
Congratulations to you and Ross! Those years seem to go fast, too!
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