We sure are keeping busy--school is going well for Dane. He was also doing a little sportsters class, which is now over and will start again this week. Cash enjoys his ECFE class (it's sure is weird for me to do it this 2nd time around. Not as fun for me, but Cash likes it and that's all that matters). Ross is busy with work and daylight savings hasn't messed anyone's sleep up (but makes me mad--I greatly dislike sunset so early).
We even managed to make cookies recently. That's a feat in itself...
We even managed to make cookies recently. That's a feat in itself...
Sweet Cash! Loves to do everything his big brother does and is such a ham for the camera!
One day last week, my Mom and I brought the boys to the Maple Grove Maze. Dane is big enough to go it alone in the huge climbing area. He goes sooooo fast! It was a great time!
Nice! It's funny how they know to put the nastiest of things into their mouths. Eeew...
The Larson clan joined us for a carving party complete with power tools. I think there was a big drill used and a dremel. It was fun!
Cash tried to help. Right after this, he put the scoop into his mouth.
I'm so ready for this stage to be over.
Ship captain Dane.
Aye aye sir!
Dane is totally into dress-up these days. Grandma and Grandpa Greenwald picked up this outfit on one of their Floridian excursions! Isn't it adorable?!
Friday, Erin and I ventured to downtown Elk River with the kids, for the annual Trick or Treat event they hold. It's a really neat thing that the town does--open their businesses for the kids! Most of the employees dress up too, which is fun to see! It's great to have such a small town feel in the suburbs!
Snow White, a bat, Scooby and Scrappy.
They had a lot of fun despite the gale force winds!
Halloween night, we have built a tradition of gathering at my parent's house to celebrate my Mom's birthday (which falls on Halloween) and to eat, trick or treat with the cousins and play outside by a bonfire afterwards. It's a great time and we look forward to it each year.
By the time we got started on the trick or treating, Cash was done. Too tired to participate so he stayed back to help pass out candy.
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