
Lots Going On...

**Disclaimer: There will be a lot of rambling on, so please prepare.

We close on our new house tomorrow...With that brings lots of feelings-anxiety, worry, excitement, saddness, adventure, newness, butterflies (I could go on and on). I can't begin to tell you how excited we are, but it's also bittersweet. We are leaving the first home that Ross and I lived in together. Our boys' first home. The house that we made our home. We love our home and while we do feel sad, we are bursting with happiness about our new house and making that our home--and creating new, beautiful memories together!!

That being said, we have got a lot going on over the next week. So, we close tomorrow morning. Ross is heading over with a truckload (already packed up). He'll come home and I'll head over with more, along with a boatload of cleaning supplies--the house was a foreclosure and is in need of major cleaning. I will then take a cleaning break to meet with the painters, who are to start painting the entire house on Saturday. After cleaning all day, I will rush home to shower and meet my girls for our annual Christmas evening of fun! Saturday begins with more house stuff, and then another Christmas get together at my sister's house. After returning from Dana's, we will be packing more stuff before slumbering. Sunday will have me over at the house painting the boys' bathroom (the one room that isn't too badly damaged). Whew. Tuesday the painters finish, Wednesday the carpet cleaner and appliances arrive. Thursday more prep, packing and delivering of boxes. Then Christmas Eve at the in-laws. Christmas morning here. After naps, we head to my parents. More packing and then the big move. I'm exhausted thinking about it all. It will be amazing, but wow. It's a lot. It's going to be so much fun and we cannot wait to see how beautiful it will be when it's all ready. We've got our work cut out for us, but how great of a job, right?!

I'm not going to have time to post until after all of this craziness is over. So here are a few pictures and updates as to what we've been doing the past few days.

After it snowed the other day, we hit the driveway at Grandma's to try out her saucer sleds. The boys really liked them. I think Grandma did too...

I have been telling Mia since school started, that we would go and get manicures together. Well, I finally followed through! We had a great time with the mani's and an even better dinner at Daddy-o's after!

Dane had his last day of preschool before the winter break today. It was pajama day and he got to bring the frosting and sprinkles for decorating cookies at snacktime. The day was made better when he walked in and saw that there was snow inside the school-what?! It was pretty cool (ha ha--pun intended)!

Our evening wrapped up with Cash helping me "clean-up!" I hope this new helper phase lasts a really long time!

Merry Christmas! Believe in the Magic...

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