Dane's first year of preschool has come to an end. It was such a great year-for all of us. Dane loved school, his teachers and his classmates. He made a lot of friends--as did I. The parents were required to attend parent groups once a week. I loved this tremendously, as it is so nice to talk with other parents going through similar things. It's been a great resource for me. And I've made some fabulous friends, as well.
We are so proud of Dane, not just for what he's accomplished thus far in his short, little life, but for who he is as a person. He is kind, loving, intelligent, sensitive, hilarious, caring and an extreme pleasure to be around. I know my little guys are still pretty little, but I can already tell that they are going to be such good big guys, too-(but then again, they do come from good stock!!)
**Dane's got this new thing where he puts his fingers int he air-the stuff kids come up with.
Daddy came to school with Dane and had a fun time seeing everything that he does all day.
After the first part of class was over, we all took a walk down to Dairy Queen.
The kids all got to select what they wanted ahead of time. They even got to carry their own money and pay themselves. It was pretty awesome!! He was very proud of himself!
See you next fall!!
(Isn't he just precious...)
After school wrapped up, a few of us went to the fountains to play. Perfect day if you're Dane. DQ, sun, fountains, friends, Mom/Dad/Cash=FUN!
A job well done goes out to our Danie. Daner. Buggie. Nugget. Babe. Munchie. Love Love. You are the sweetest boy and we love you to pieces.
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