
It's the Little Things...

Nothing major going on at home--just hanging out with friends and doing work around here. We have really been enjoying all of the fun having a house with a yard brings. Ross continues to make our lawn look spectacular--it feels and looks like carpet! I've been having a great time with my flowers and have become a planting machine-we are working on a new project in the back and I will post when that's finished (things take a long time when I can only get so much done during the day by myself and then I have only 1 night a week home to work with Ross. But, all good things come in time, right?!)

I am pleased to say that the porch is complete (minus the lattice work on the bottom that I am procrastinating on). Other than that, the boys are great--cute as ever and keeping me on my game! Cash has learned how to drive me nuts and is becoming an expert at time out! Ahhhh LIFE!!

Snuggly brothers!

Finished! Looks pretty good, if I do say so myself!

Another angle!

And just one of my new glorious perennials! I think I'm turning into a green thumb!

(Cannot belive it's August next week. Oh my goodness)...

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