The kids love the tub. Big time.
Here they are trying to be Santa.
Cash has decided that he will now ride in our bike trailer again--he did great last year and started out rough this spring. Now he's back. It's been fun.
Bundles of Love!
I got Dane this cool Raphael Ninja Turtle costume at the ECFE garage sale a few weekends ago. Isn't it awesome?! When he put it on the first time, he kept it on all day. He is fun-ny!
That Mother's Day gift is ADORABLE! Is it possible your boys get cuter everyday?
Oh and we're not moving far, just a few miles south. We are zoned for a not so great school and we need more room.
Awww... what sweet boys you have. And still so darn adorbs!! Not like that'll change.
I love that you're 25 years old.
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