
Can you say Wonky?!

 I'm having a little trouble with this new template. So bear with me...All of my pictures are out of order and I just lost one of Cash from his last day of preschool. Plus, I haven't updated since March (OMG) and I don't know if I've even taken any pictures since I uploaded these. I thought with school being over, we wouldn't be so busy. And I can't even tell you what all we've been up to, but it sure feels like we're always on the go. 
Here are pictures from Easter, a trip to Underwater World-I mean Sea Life (MOA is constantly changing names of their attractions and I can't keep up)! Baseball, Cash's last day at ECFE and Dane's preschool graduation-I can't believe he's going to Kindergarten in the fall...

Cash and Dane with Mrs. Lisa-Dane's amazing teacher!

Dane's best buddy Joe!

Dane and another buddy Luke!

Cash's class on the last day of school!

Dane's playing pitch baseball this year. He's great and enjoys every minute of the hour and a half game. 

(See totally out of order)-Sea Life with Mia and Hannah!

Looking cool on Easter with Uncle Bryan!

Daddy's old bike!