
Bad Blogger...

Wow. It's been quite a long time since I've blogged. Not tons to update on. We've been busy doing the usual stuff. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.

Just like Daddy--Cash LOVES music!

Dane told me they did this at school and I thought it was awesome! What a great way to let kids hammer-and a great way to utilize old pumpkins!
They had lots of fun!

Cash loves baseball just like Dane-but Ross thinks he may be our prodigy. He's a lefty. And he bats left but throws right. How I made athletically-gifted children is beyond me.

Before the snow fell, we spent a little time out in Rockford at Lake Rebecca park-we all had a great time and enjoyed each other and the weather.

Dad and his boys.

Self-timer picture off the dock. Pretty good.

It's such a great park!

Dane snuggling on the chair.

And two quick pictures of the first big snow. It was terribly windy and yuck out that day, but we managed a few minutes outside.

Happy Holiday Season--I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week?!

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