
Oh What Fun...Halloween Part One!

Happy Halloween Everyone! We spent the morning of Halloween trick or treating in downtown Elk River with my BFF Celia Skubic, her super cool parents Erin and Jeff and Mommy and Cash.
We had such a fun time. Here are a few pictures of us dressed up in our awesome costumes!

Aaarrggh! Do I make a great Captain Hook or what?
Do you like my hook hand?

Here's me and CC posing for some more pictures. Geesh it's hard work being so cute.

This is me walking through the bank getting my treats. We made out good (I've been dealing with a sugar hangover all weekend)

We ended our fun morning with some lunch at the Olde Main Eatery. Mommy and I had never been there before-it was good. Erin wanted a picture of all three of us. But she told mommy to make sure she wasn't in the picture. I wonder why? Erin's so pretty...

Well, it sure was fun to trick or treat my first time with CC. I can't wait to do it again. Can we go tomorrow? Oh and Jeff-thanks for watching Cash for Mommy so she could watch us get some treats. And for holding my hand. And for carrying me across the street. And for being so funny. And...yeah. Thanks! Mommy says what would we have done without you? I know I wouldn't have had as much fun. That's for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures...another fun day together. Wish they could happen more often! Thanks for spending the morning with us!


Love Cash's costume. So cute!