
Weekend at the Cabin!

We made our annual trip to the cabin this past weekend. We had a great time--Grandpa and Grandma Greenwald were there, Great Grandpa Marvin and Great Grandma Iva. And Uncle Bryan even flew in from Chicago. Lots of good people, lots of great food and one nice day of weather. (It rained ALL day Saturday. ALL day).

We were here for almost 5 minutes before they attacked the tractors.

Sweet Cashie picked up a bad cold right before we left to head up north.

Dane was the first to throw his line in and caught a fish immediately. He was making this crazy face because the fish had been flopping around. Right after this, it flopped right out of Ross's hand and whacked Cash in the back. He instantly started screaming. It was hilarious!! I couldn't stop laughing.

Mommy and her Cashie Bear.

Dane and Uncle Bryan taking a ride on the watercraft.

Daddy and his littlest buddy.

Grandpa Greg, Grandma Lynn, Daddy, G-Grandma Iva and G-Grandpa Marvin.

Hanging by the fire.

Awww...cute little family picture.

Daddy and his little buddy.

And the weekend wouldn't be complete without a tubby in the sink. I think this is the last year Dane will be able to do it. Tear.

Our sweet guys.

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