
It's Been Awhile...

Things are moving along quite nicely as we roll into mid-October. Dane is still enjoying pre-school and Cash loves his "school" too. Cash and I are having more time to spend together alone as Dane is in school 3 days a week now. We have a great schedule and are now back at storytime every week. It's been great to have some special time with Cash, too. The weather has been perfect-amazing! So, we've been trying to soak up as much fall as we can!

Dane rarely naps anymore. It's sad. He's getting so big. But, on this day, he set up camp in his tunnel and fell fast asleep. "I'm not going to take a nap Mom, I'm just going to relax in my tent." Yeah, sure buddy!

Catching a rare moment where they are playing nicely with one another.

Dane insisted on this picture being taken as he and Cash are both wearing their "all star jammers."

We spent a few hours at the park the other day, complete with bike riding, throwing rocks into the river, a picnic lunch and playground time! It was such a fun day!

Friday evening was still 75 degrees after the sun went down. So why not run in the sprinklers?! Daddy's idea--a pretty good one if you ask the boys.

I am apart of the parent advisory council at Dane and Cash's school and as our fall fundraiser, we chose to coordinate a 5k walk/run. The weather was beyond beautiful and the turnout was awesome! Thanks to all of our family and friends who were able to join us--it means a lot to have such supportive people in our lives!

Dane dashed through the finish line! It was a great day! And the weather is forecasting another beautiful week! Happy Fall!!

1 comment:

Courtney Smith said...

Great pictures Jessie, especially the one of Dane sleeping, SO cute! I love seeing the fall colors and the fun filled days that we mamas get with our kiddos!