

We were busy this weekend-stuff around the house, an overnight visit with Grandma Tammy and Grandpa Jeff and pumpkins!
Saturday morning we went with the Larson's (Ryan, Caren and Addie) to Pumpkin Day in Otsego. It was a crazy busy place, but the kids had fun and we scored two big, awesome pumpkins! Thanks for the invite Larson's!

Cash pulling the wagon.

Dane playing "Klunko."

And a little playground fun before heading home for lunch!

Today we carved the pumpkins. We tried a new approach...Or Daddy did-

I saw it in a magazine recently and you know what?! It made it so much easier to clean out!
Thanks Hubbs!

Looking at all the gunk inside.
The boys didn't want to touch it. I didn't understand. I thought kids loved this kind of stuff?!

Dane drew his own face on the pumpkin and actually carved one of the eyes using his "knife." A butter knife. It took quite awhile, but he is one determined little feller.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

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